One day our AC went out. And we live in Texas and it was summer. Not a good combo. So we made up a bed for the kids to sleep on in the formal dining area. Well they were not sleeping. They kept getting up and sneaking around. Trying to get up stairs. So I decided to set up a task force. I told Wes to join me on the stairs where I armed him with a nerf gun. I myself had a gun and from my vantage point I could see strait into the dining room.
They would start to wisper and when they crept on to the tile I would shoot them with a nerf gun. Then they would look around in bewilderment. They had no idea where I was or where the darts were coming from, or that I could see them. It was hysterical. Wes job was to shoot them on the stairs if they got that far, but they never did.
Once Wes and I had amused ourself for 30 min or so we decided it was too stinkin hot to stay there & went to moms